May time exam time!

I wanted the first post of mine to be less 

.stressful , so I'm doing the first post now

 Spring time and our mind has to be concentrated, focused ;  our body restrained since we must be commited to our purpose and targets.A whole year of trying has just come to its end and we have to evaluate our efforts , whether they were good or not.

Time passes very quickly, decisions have to be made for both our life and our future .

It's not easy to say I did well or I didn't , but it is obligatory to know the ' how ' and the  ' what next ' .

Now as far as the exam is concerned I have to remind you that the exam consists of 3 parts.

The 1st one is The Reading comprehension ( 30 points ) ,the 2nd is  Grammar & Syntax ( 2 exercises /20 points each )  and the 3rd is  the Writing part  (30 points ).

Sleep well

Eat well

Do not panic

Answer all the questions

Organise both your studying and writing time

Keep some time for your welfare 

Most important of all: every teenager around the globe does that - not just YOU!!

Think of the summer to come and make plans

( as soon as you finish the last chapter of history you are studying )

Smile , every moment of ours is PRECIOUS and  


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